I met Bethany in early 2018 when I arrived in her office for smoking cessation. Before long she had me working through self-diagnosed cPTSD, depression and anxiety, childhood misperceptions, and the loss of my wife. We connected instantly with a shared love of the woods, water and spirit of Northern Michigan. Some days she would stop by my veggie farm and we would chat before loading her up with the veggies and flowers we grew. Before too long I was building her website and Bethany and my daughter were rescuing baby snapping turtles.
Bethany dreamed a beautiful dream not only for herself but for all creatures she came across.  I’m new to the 5-PATH world after completing the course a couple weeks ago. Bethany was my direct inspiration for doing so. She found me as a frustrated human that had gone through the mental health system with little effect. . . and taught me that healing is both real and possible. She is a friend, mentor and one of the most amazing humans I have ever had the honor to encounter in this life. Bethany loved the woods and waters of Northern Michigan. She loved the Big Lake, her family, the bears, the seasons, and even the massive snowfalls that slowed her 35 mile commute.
I miss my friend, and hope that the tears in my eyes transition to a celebration of her life and everyone she touched with her high energy, positivity and deep, heartfelt authenticity. Thanks to everyone here for supporting her on her path over the years. Thank you all for helping her become an amazing hypnotist and lightworker. Thanks for being her friend. She spoke kindly, kindredly and well of you all, just like her fur babies.